Sunday, October 4, 2009

Feeling Like A Failure Is Worth The Risk

     Try harder and you'll soon experience success...WHAT???  Who said that anyway?  Probably someone who has never once lost a race or lost a game.  Well, whoever said it had it right.  Nothing worth achieving is going to come easy no matter how hard you try.  The point is that trying is living.

     That's right...trying is living.  You see, we all have dreams that we have yet to realize, yet we still have them.  The problem lies in that we are afraid to fail so we fail to try.  I remember someone telling me early in my life that I was just a "dreamer" and that maybe I should come back to "reality" and stop dreaming so much.  I remember looking at them like they had just lost their mind.  Stop dreaming?  Not going to happen.

     The thing is, when we stop dreaming we stop living.  After all, if it wasn't for our dreams and aspirations we would be boring and ready to live life like the rest of robots.
Robots don't dream nor do they aspire to greater things.  They simply follow instructions and never make mistakes.  But are mistakes not the reason why we keep trying and keep living?  I mean, mistakes really make us all better in the long run since it is through our mistakes that we experience and our experience makes us who we really are.  Right?  For me, I would rather keep making mistakes and learn than to not make any mistakes and err in this thing we call life. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Keep The Faith Not The Attitude

     When life seems a little out of sorts and you think that no one cares, stop what you are doing and close your eyes.  You will soon see that it is not about the circumstance that you find yourself in at the moment, but about the situation that you will find yourself in later.  You see, whatever caused you distress will soon be a memory, but the feelings that it left you with will be with you for the rest of your life.  That is called "experience".
     So realize that the discomfort is only passing through and it has found a place in you for the moment.  Keep the faith and hang on tight my friend for tomorrow will always be a little brighter.  Don't believe me, just wait.  When tommorow finally comes and with it a new sun, the pain remains, but not as strong as you would think.  So take it day by day.

     The key here is to remember that faith is the driving force behind all that we all endeavor and that without it, we are all lost to the agony of defeat and the pain of our circumstance.  So when you find yourself just a little out of luck, remember to not get upset, but rather smile for tommorow brings forth a new day and a new beginning and a chance to "reinvent" yourself.  Keep the faith.

Monday, September 28, 2009

When You Think You Have It Bad...

     My wife and I were visiting a city one day searching for a home to live in when we realized that one of her huffcaps was missing.  "I can't believe someone stole my huffcap!" she hollered.  I remember saying that surely no one stole it, but if it was, that person needed it more than she did apparently.  We got back into the car and she just kept on and on about the missing huffcap.  I simply smiled at her and told her that it would be fine and that we would get another one when we got back home. 

     After about 3o minutes, she started again about the missing huffcap.  I then told her, "well babe, things could be worse you know".  About that time, a car passed us on her side of the car.  I looked that way and pointed and said to her "you see, things could be worse.  Someone stole the door off that car.  At least you still have your doors."  She looked up and turned to the passing car and noticed what I was pointing at.  We both looked at each other and just laughed and laughed.  The passing car was missing the driver's side door.  I said "see, God wants you to know that it could be worse, so be happy with what you have because some don't have it as good as you do."  All we could do was laugh.  Things could be worse.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

It's All About The Little Things

     Just the other day I was driving home from work feeling down and out.  I don't know why, but I had a sense of dispair.  Work was going fine, but I was thinking of my life and how far I have come.  I remember thinking that I was not happy with the way my life had turned out.  I had a college degree, but I really did not like the fact that I have had too many jobs since graduating and how little I was making in terms of an income.  Yeah, I guess you can say that I was disappointed with my life.

     I was about to be totally bummed out when I stopped in mid-thought and yelled at myself for feeling sorry for myself.  So what if I did not make 100k a year so what?  So what if I have had too many jobs over the years?  So what?  I told myself that I needed to stop thinking about all of the negatives in my life and start thinking about all of the positives that have come my way.  After all, my life was not a total failure.  No, my life was full of so many "little things" that have made a difference thus far. 

     Just then I pulled into the driveway and parked my car.  I thanked God for allowing me to vent and walked up to the door of the house.  As I walked into the house, my two year old came running around the corner of the kitchen yelling and screaming "daddy home daddy home" and threw herself into my waiting arms.  Just then, I forgot about the negatives in my life and kissed her head.  It's all about the little things, for they are the ones that make a difference.